Discovering the 9 Benefits of Lemon Water




Benefits of Lemon Water: Perhaps many people you know start their day with a glass of lemon water. They swear by it and must have even told you that it is great for the body. This may have lured you into giving it a try, but then you are a little skeptical. You are not sure if lemon water indeed is all that great.

Well, it is wise to not just go by what others say but do your own research before you start with anything, even when it comes to drinking something as simple as lemon water. Fortunately for you, we have done the research and shall now help you know why lemon water has become so popular. Or, so to say, we shall help you learn about the benefits of lemon water.

Benefits of Lemon Water

Is Lemon Water Good For You?

First things first – is lemon water good for you at all? Well, the short answer to this question is yes, lemons being rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, and more, when mixed with water, combines to make a healthy drink, which indeed is good for you. Let us dive in further and get to learn about the different ways lemon water is great for you.

Lemon Water Helps you stay Hydrated

It is said that men must drink at least 125 ounces of water every day and women must drink a minimum of 91 ounces of water each day. This includes water from drinks and also food.

Now, water does keep you hydrated, but everyone does not like its taste. If you are one among them then adding lemon to it can improve its taste and you will then want to drink more of it..

Lemon Water is Rich in Vitamin C

Lemons are a good source of vitamin C, an antioxidant, which can keep your cells protected from the harmful effects of free radicals. Vitamin C may even reduce the chances of stroke and cardiovascular diseases, and also help lower blood pressure.
Lemons may not be the richest source of vitamin C, but they still do contain a good amount of it, and thus consuming it on a daily basis along with water, makes a good choice.

Lemon For Skin

The vitamin C present in lemons can help delay aging. Water is also great for your skin. You know that dry skin can attract wrinkles fast, so to keep it moisturized internally, you must drink enough water. And when you combine lemon with water, you create a drink that is immensely beneficial for your skin..

Improves Digestion

Some people have a habit of drinking warm water with lemon juice the first thing in the morning. This combination is great for your digestive system and can get it moving. You can give it a try as well, particularly if you have the problem of constipation.

Lemon Water Protects against Anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is pretty common. If you do not get the desired iron from your food then you can suffer from this problem.

Lemons do contain a little iron, but they prove to be of help by making sure you absorb as much iron from your diet as is possible. Because of the vitamin C and citric acid present in lemons your body will be able to absorb non-heme iron from plants and this can prevent anemia.

Lemon Water and Weight Loss

If you feel that just by drinking a few glasses of lemon water every day you will lose weight, then that really is not possible. But, it is still a fact that water mixed with lemon can indeed help you reach your weight loss goals, because –

It is low in calories – if you squeeze half a lemon into a glass of water then you have a six-calorie beverage ready to be consumed. Now, if you swap the other sugar-rich beverages that you are used to having with this
lemon drink then you are greatly reducing your calorie intake. And, when you reduce your calorie intake, you will also enjoy weight loss.

It makes you feel full – drinking water helps you feel full for a longer time. If you drink water before your meals then you will feel less hungry, eat less, and this will eventually help you shed weight. As lemon water is rich in vitamin C and low in calories, it promotes fullness just like water but it tastes good, so it is worth a try.

It makes you feel energized – when you drink a glass of water with lemon the first thing in the morning, not only will it rehydrate your body but also make you feel more energized. When you feel more energized you can work out better and enjoy better weight loss results.

Lemon Water and Detox

Water plays an important role in any type of detox program and when you combine it with lemons, you can enjoy added benefits. Lemon water can support the process of flushing toxins out of our bodies and restoring liver functioning.

If you want to enjoy the lemon water detox effects you have to mix fresh lemon juice in a glass of warm water and drink it regularly. Lemon rind plays an important role in the process of detoxification. The rind encourages the second phase of liver detox. This is an important step wherein the body tries to get rid of toxins.

The simplest way to make lemon detox water is to cut whole lemons into slices and then add them to a jug of plain water, and keep refilling the jug when needed.

Lemon Water in Morning

Though you can drink lemon water any time of the day to enjoy its wonderful benefits. But beginning your day with it is a great idea. If you drink warm water with lemon the first thing in the morning, you will feel instantly energized. You will not be feeling sluggish and will rather have enough energy to kick start your day with a wonderful workout session. If you do not skip workout regimens, you will meet your weight loss goals faster.

Also, when you drink lemon water in the morning you do not crave to have coffee or any sweetened beverages that will only make you gain weight further.
Furthermore, you will feel more alert and thus will be able to concentrate at work better. And, the taste of lemon mixed with water is quite nice so you will soon get the hang of it and will only always want to start your day with it.

All in all, it is a great deal – lemon water helps you lose weight, makes you more energized, helps eliminate toxins, and makes you feel wonderful. Certainly, there can be no other drink as amazing and beneficial as a simple glass of water mixed with lemon juice.

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